Monday, October 20, 2014

What is an Array?

What is an Array...
 It might look like this

or it might look like this...

An array is a rectangular arrangement of items into rows (each with an equal number of items) and columns (each with an equal number of columns)
This is a great video that you can show your students or use as a teaching resource.

Here's a helpful worksheet
This is a fun game that I might use to teach students about using an array to solve multiplication equations.
Array Arrangement: Multiplication
Using a pair of dice, the students are to draw the product on graph paper as a rectangular array.
For example, if a 4 and a 3 are rolled, that means 4 x 3 = 12. The array is drawn as 4 rows and 3 columns, to make a rectangle. Each time a square number is drawn, let the students color it in red. Label each array with the number sentence it goes with.

Common Core
Interpret products of whole numbers and model multiplication using arrays, pictures, and equations | 3.OA.A.1

Source Sitation 
worksheet found at
Math definition -- Text Book...Mathematics for Elementary Teachers sybilla Beckmann

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